Who participates in the program?

GO CAPS is for high school juniors and seniors who have interest in our career strands and are seeking experiences a traditional high school classroom cannot provide.

How much does it cost?

Tuition for the program is paid by the student’s home district.  Additional expenses may include cost of creating a business casual wardrobe, gas, and additional immunizations and screenings (for Medicine & Health Care students only.)

When do students attend the GO CAPS program?

Students meet at the business partners’ sites for 2 ½ hours, five days a week all year.

What type of credit is offered for the class?

Students will earn both high school (typically Practical Arts or Elective) and optional college credit.

What is the dress code for students?

Students wear business casual every day, unless otherwise instructed.  Students in the Medicine and Health Care strand are required to wear a GO CAPS logo shirt and khaki pants to class and GO CAPS scrubs on shadowing days.

How is student performance evaluated (grades)?

Student performance is evaluated based on the overall effort and growth students exhibit during grading periods.  This can include dress code compliance, demonstration of professionalism, project work, and business partner communication.  This is similar to an employee review to evaluate job performance.

What is  a capstone?

A capstone is a personalized passion project. Students enrolled in the GO CAPS program will be given a semester to explore, research, and analyze areas of their interest.

What is professionalism boot camp?

Professionalism boot camp is an amount of time allotted to develop essential soft-skills, used to communicate within the professional world. During this time all strands come together to collaborate and share ideology.

Is GO CAPS a trade school or Career and Technical Education (CTE) program?

No. Trade schools and Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs offer important training on specific industry skills. GO CAPS is truly a career exploration program which exposes students to a variety of career paths.

What do colleges think of a program like GO CAPS?

Colleges and universities believe a program like this is a differentiator for a student. Many students entering college have significant academic abilities, but a GO CAPS student will leave us with professional skills and a portfolio of real business experiences that will leapfrog their college peers.